Worship with us in person, or join us here, online
Sundays, 9:30am


The 9:30am service is also livestreamed via Facebook Live at www.facebook.com/TrinityEvanston . You may find an archive of our worship on our Facebook page.

How do we worship?

Worship at Trinity joyfully honors both tradition and innovation in music and structure. We follow the Lutheran liturgy, a set order of prayer, songs and Scripture that varies seasonally and is seen in many other churches.

Since “liturgy” means “work of the people,” we value the participation of congregation members in leadership roles in both planning and carrying out our worship.



We prepare for worship through listening to music (a prelude) and/or singing songs or hymns with the community.

Through the use of the Confession and Forgiveness, we bring before God the brokenness in our lives and in our world, and the presiding minister announces God’s forgiveness.

The presiding minister and gathered assembly greet each other in the name of Christ, and a Prayer of the Day helps us to focus our hearts and minds on what is to come.


We listen to readings from the Bible from a 3-year cycle of readings (lectionary) used in many Christians churches throughout the world.

We listen to a sermon or message, based on the readings, that proclaims God’s saving act through Jesus Christ and helps us to view our lives in light of these readings.

We respond with a song focusing on the theme of the sermon.



As we listen to a musical selection, we contribute an offering—as we are able—for those who need it in our community and beyond, and for the mission of the church, both locally and around the world.

The altar is made ready for us to receive God’s gift of Christ in the wine and bread used in Communion.



After communion, refreshed and strengthened to be Christ’s presence in the world, we receive a blessing, sing a joyous song in preparation for leaving worship, and are sent forth to be Christ’s body in the world.